Diablo 4 key art
Diablo 4 key art

diablo 4 key art

Every so often in the overworld, we would pass a player or two, and the influx of other players in towns felt akin to rolling through city centers in an MMO (not to mention how it immediately slowed down my PC due to the server load, but this is a beta after all). We did quests, gathered loot, sold it for money, upgraded our gear, and repeated the process ad nauseam as we talked endlessly over voice chat.īut the world wasn’t just our playground.

diablo 4 key art

Logging into the Diablo IV beta and forming a group with friends led to hours of the day slipping away as we talked and clicked away at the repetitive mobs. Chances are that fans will have to wait until BlizzCon to find the truth there.Diablo’s signature gameplay loop returns, and it's as good as ever. There is also a good chance that it may feature early concept art of the game, or work from scrapped early version that never made it far in development. There is, of course, a chance that the image may be referring to the controversial Diablo Immortal mobile game, though chances are the ad would have specified Immortal instead of Diablo 4. RELATED: Will Diablo 4 Be Announced at BlizzCon 2019? Whether this was a typo or not is currently unknown, but if it is real then Diablo 4 is on the way. The text of the add roughly translates to ".with over 500 artworks from Diablo, Diablo 2, Diablo 3, and Diablo 4" and clearly one of these things is not like the others. The ad in question is for "The Art of Diablo" - an art book releasing early in November which will feature art from the Diablofranchise. While this news should be taken with a grain of salt as it is still a leak, the image in question comes from the magazine Gamestar, based out of Germany. Thankfully, if a recently leaked magazine ad is to be believed, a Diablo 4 announcement may be closer than many fans realize. While some fans speculate that Overwatch 2 may make its debut at the show, diehard Blizzard fans are anxiously awaiting the next core installment in the Diablo franchise. With BlizzCon 2019 rapidly approaching, many fans are speculating as to what Blizzard has in store for their big convention next month.

Diablo 4 key art